Past projects

This multipurpose cubby structure (market day canteen, puppet show stage, outdoor classroom, general play space) was created with full school community participation as an initiative of the P and C. All students mixed traditional sun-dried earthen "mud" masonry recipes with their hands and feet to live music performed by students and musicians at musical mud stomps. Students participated in these events with their teachers during school and with their parents after school. The opening event took place down at the local markets and bricks were transported back once dry. Music was a central and key element to the project under the leadership of a musical director assigned to the job which included engaging other local professional muscians. The mud mixtures were used to made bricks and "cobs" to build and sculpt the walls. An artist was hired to sculpt decorative features into each wall. Handmade clay, milk and lime based paints were mixed onsite and applied by students, teachers and parents and others. The after school care centre was involved. High School students were also involved as part of their education and worked with the architect, builder, engineer, musical director and artistic director. Local businesses took up every available sponsorship opportunity to donate all the project's materials and their delivery. The structure is a hallmark of environmental sustainability. The foundation was made with local stone and gravel. The walls were made of sun-dried earthen masonry mixtures, the roof frame was built with locally milled timber and the roof was made of Australian made tin with plastic and wooden insulation. The construction followed the BCA (Building Code of Australia) via a Master Builders Contract with the Assets Department of the NSW Dept of Education. Funding came from several different sources with different purposes attached to them. Besides the goal of building the structure there were educational and community engagement goals. Another major goal that was achieved was to include those with special needs and disabilities.

Mount Gambier, South Australia. Over 400 participants of all ages. Multiple festive events with food, music and audiences. The community builds and sculpts a public, artistic children's "cubby" playhouse outside a primary school. High school students mentor younger students and earn credits towards their studies.

Wollondilly Shire NSW Over 1200 participants of all ages including 1000 from 10 schools help build an outdoor kitchen garden stage concept at a Community Garden site. The garden, stage, kitchen combo is something we wish to help others replicate.
Eurobodalla Shire, N.S.W, Australia. Over 1200 participants of all ages from several schools. A community builds and sculpts an artistic children's cubby playhouse at the playground of the Regional Botanic Gardens. High school students mentor younger students and earn credits towards their studies.

Figtree High oven. We were a sport elective for yrs 8-11, plus some year 12 students joined in as volunteers and leaders. Non competitive teamwork involving vigorous barefoot mud stomping, training and mentoring guests, passing wet mud blobs, designing, engineering, building, finishing the structure, preparing and serving food and refreshments to each other, documenting, creating and playing music and drums. Teachers came to create a love of gathering and generate interest in healthy eating and living, and to strengthen school community spirit.

oven built at Claymore Community Centre with 100 participants who joined in the process. The program was built around an after school program
Backyard oven and stove built with friends and family

rocket stove built in community centre backyard. Access Community Group, Corrimal.

backyard rocket stove built with family and friends.

Newark and Montclair New Jersey USA. A family summer camp with a public weekly festive mud stomp builds these public structures

A community builds and sculpts an artistic children's cubby playhouse in a private backyard. Over 100 participants of all ages.

Mexico-2007 Jan-March. Palenque Chiapas. A local school, international tourists, locals and Mayans from a neighboring village come together to build and sculpt a bench in front of a restaurant. Students build a small scale cabana in their school backyard garden area. Over 100 participants of all ages.

USA, Atlanta GA 2002-2007. The program is born around many festive gatherings around building various structures within a community. Several thousand participants over several summers.
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